Computer engineer
In this site I try to preparing the best information for computer engineer student's and also hamid jalali try to answer
Your question,therfore if you have any question forward it to


Architecture engineer
Unforeseen chance,in this site there is not any active student to send
Any post , but don't worry
!!! there is a agora as name as               "Architecture sstudent's" in our university .we have esperance
That this agora working with us . Their website is ""


General engineer   , State & trade managment   ,  Statistical   and Industrial engineer             
Unforeseen chance,in this site there is not any active student to send
Any post , but don't worry

درخواست پروژه هاي دانشجويي
سي پلاس پلاس C++
ويژوال بيسيک
visual basice

ساختمان هاي گسسته
زبان عمومي و زبان تخصصي
رياضي عمومي 1و2
ساختمان داده  ها و پايگاه داده ها
شبکه هاي کامپيوتري و مدارمنطقي
ساير جزوات پيام نور
UML  & RUP ebook
  Hashtgerd   payame noor university